The foundation for the Department of Islamic Social Sciences was built on an idea advocated in the Commission of Social Science in 2011, by a group of well-known scholars in the field and some faculty members. Following the project of localization of knowledge and development policies of the University of Tehran, it was approved by the University Council and began admitting students in two Master's programs: Social Thought of Muslim Thinkers and Philosophy of Social Sciences. Our main goals are the following:

  • Alternative theory-building based on the philosophy of Hikmat and Islamic reason.
  • Exploring and comparing cultural and civilizational contexts of modern social theories and Islamic Social Sciences.
  • Exploring, expanding, and studying social thoughts and traditions in the historical and modern Muslim world.

For more information about the departments, programs, and courses, please downlaod the handbook of the department here.

Head of the Department

Professor Mahdi Hoseinzadeh Yazdi

Department Secretary

Ms Marzieh Javidan
