Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi


Update: 2025-03-14

Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi

Faculty of Social Sciences / DEMOGRAPHY

Journal Paper

  1. "Social Consequences of Forced and Refugee Migration"
    Ellen Percy Kraly, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Lorraine Lizbeth Torres, Holly Reed
    Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 49, No 21, pp.1-25, 2023
  2. "Breaking a vicious cycle: Education as the solution to Afghanistan's woes"
    Meimanat Hosseini-chavoshi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Migration Policy Practice, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.11-17, 2023
  3. "Comparative Study of Reproductive Behaviors in Two Ethnicities of Fars and Turkmen in North Khorasan, Iran"
    Zohreh Abbasi, Zohreh Keshavarz, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Abbas Ebadi, Habibollah Esmaily, Salar Poorbarat
    Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, Vol. 10, No 1, 2022
  4. "Public demography for narrowing research-policy gap in Iran"
    Seyedeh Zahra Ojagh, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    The International Journal of Humanities, Vol. 29, No 2, pp.95-118, 2022
  5. "COVID-19 economic recession and the refugee situation"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, Vol. -, No 59, pp.289-292, 2020
  6. "Ideal Fertility in Iran: A systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    International Journal of Womens Health and Reproduction Sciences, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.10-18, 2020
  7. "Fertility, Marriage, and Family Planning in Iran: Implications for Future Policy"
    Meimanat Hosseini-chavoshi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Peter Mcdonald
    Population Horizons, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.1-10, 2017
  8. "Assessment of Iranian fertility trends using parity progression ratios"
    Peter Mcdonald, میمنت حسینی چاووشی , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, آرش رشیدیان
    Demographic Research, Vol. 36, No 1, 2015
  9. "Unintended Pregnancy among Iranian Young Women: Incidence, Correlates and Outcomes"
    میمنت حسینی چاووشی , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Asia-Pacific population journal / United Nations, Vol. 30, No 1, 2015
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاووشی
    springer plus, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.97-115, 2015
  11. "Caring for my family integrity”: Fertile couples’ first childbearing experience in the urban society of Mashhad, Iran"
    Talat Khadivzadeh, Masoud Bahrami, Ali Taghipour, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Human Fertility, Vol. 27, No 1, pp.1-10, 2014
  12. "Consanguineous marriage, reproductive behaviour and postnatal mortality in contemporary Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Meimanat Hosseini , Alan Bittles
    HUMAN HEREDITY, Vol. 77, pp.16-25, 2014
  13. "Consanguineous Marriage, Reproductive Behaviour and Postnatal Mortality in Contemporary Iran"
    میمنت حسینی چاوشی , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Alan Bittles
    HUMAN HEREDITY, Vol. 77, pp.16-25, 2014
  14. "Preserving my family integrity: Couples’ first childbearing experience in urban society of Mashhad, Iran"
    Talat Khadivzadeh, Robab Latifnejad Roudsari, Masoud Bahrami, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    International Journal of Fertility & Sterility, Vol. 7, No 1, 2013
  15. "Food Insecurity and its Socio-demographic Correlates among Afghan immigrants in Iran"
    Nasrin Omidvar, Mahmoud Ghazi Tabatabaei, Rasoul Sadeghi, Fatemeh Mohamadi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    JOURNAL OF HEALTH POPULATION AND NUTRITION, Vol. 31, No 3, pp.356-366, 2013
  16. "Influences on the knowledge and beliefs of ordinary people about developmental hierarchies"
    Georgina Binstock, Arland Thornton , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Dirgha Ghimire, Yu Xie, Kathryn M Yount
  17. "The influence of social network on couples’ intention to have the first child"
    Talat Khadivzadeh, Robab Latifnejad Roudsari, مسعود بهرامی, Ali Taghipour, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Vol. 11, No 3, pp.209-218, 2013
  18. "Marriage and Family Formation of the Second-Generation Afghans in Iran: Insights from a Qualitative Study"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi, Hossein Mahmoudian, Gholamreza Jamshidiha
    INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW, Vol. 46, No 4, pp.828-860, 2012
  19. "Social and psychological consequences of abortion in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاووشی, دایانا گلزبروک, پیتر مکدونالد
    International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 118, No 2, pp.172-177, 2012
  20. "Social and Psychological Cosequences of Abortion in Iran"
    Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Diana Glazebrook , Peter Mcdonald
    International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 118, pp.172-177, 2012
  21. "Family life and developmental idealism in Yazd, Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, عباس عسکری ندوشن , آرلند تورنتون
    Demographic Research, Vol. 26, No 10, pp.207-238, 2012
  22. "International Fertility Change : New Data and Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework"
    A Thornton , G Binstock , Kathryn M Yount , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Dirgha Ghimire Yu Xie
    DEMOGRAPHY, Vol. 49, No 2, pp.677-698, 2012
  23. "Marriage Postponement in Iran : Accounting for Socio - economic and cultural Change in Timen and Space"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Angela Baschieri , Lynda Clarke , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Population Space and Place, Vol. -, 2012
  24. "Knowledge and beliefs about national development and developmental hierarchies : The viewpoints of ordinary people in thirteen countries"
    Arland Thornton , Gorgina Binstock , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, D Ghimire , A Gjonca , A Melegh , C Mitchell , M Moaddel , Y Xie , Ls Yang , L Young Demarco , Km Yount
    SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, Vol. 41, No 5, pp.1053-1068, 2012
  25. "Refugee Movement and Development Afghan Refugee in Iran"
    Graeme Hugo , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi
    Migration and Development Journal, Vol. 1, No 2, pp.261-279, 2012
  26. "Marriage and Family Formation of the Second - generation Afghans in Iran: Insights from a Qualitative Study"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi, Hossein Mahmoudian, Gholamreza Jamshidiha
    INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW, Vol. 46, No 4, pp.828-860, 2012
  27. "Family life and developmental idealism in Yazd Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Abbas Askari Nodoushan , Arland Thornton
    Demographic Research, Vol. 26, No 10, pp.207-238, 2011
  28. "The Adaptation of Second-Generation Afghans in Iran: Empirical Findings and Policy Implications"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Middle East Institute and Fondation Recherche Strategique, Vol. -, pp.1-14, 2011
  29. "The Health of Older Women after High Parity in Taft Iran"
    Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Michal Engelman , Emily Agree , David Bishai
    Asian Population Studies, Vol. 7, No 3, pp.263-274, 2011
  30. "Demography, Education, and Democracy: Global Trends and the Case of Iran"
    Wolfgang Lutz, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, Vol. 36, No 2, pp.253-281, 2010
  31. "Family Planning and fertility decline in rural Iran : An evaluation"
    Javad Salehi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاوشی
    HEALTH ECONOMICS, Vol. 19, No 1, pp.159-180, 2010
  32. "Family change and continuity in Iran : Birth control use before first pregnancy"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, S Philip Morgan , Meimanat Hossein Chavoshi , Peter Mcdonald
    JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, Vol. 71, No 5, pp.1309-1324, 2009
  33. "Demography, Education and Democracy: Global Trends and the Case of Iran"
    Lutz W , Crespo Cuaresma J , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, Vol. 2, No 36, pp.253-281, 2009
  34. "Family Change in Iran : Religion, revolution, and the state"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Peter Mcdonald
    International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.177-198, 2008
  35. "Being neighbours to Imam Reza: Pilgrimage practice and return intentions of Hazara Afghans living in Mashhad, Iran,"
    Diana Glazebrook , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Iranian Studies, Vol. 40, No 2, pp.187-201, 2007
  36. "The place of religion in Iranian Fertility Transition"
    P Mcdonald , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Civil socity Religion and Global Governance, Vol. -, pp.213-218, 2007
  37. "The Iranian Fertility Decline, 1981 - 1999 : an Application of the Synthetic Parity Progression Ratio Method"
    Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi , Peter Mcdonald , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    POPULATION, Vol. 61, pp.701-718, 2006
  38. "Continued protection, sustainable reintegration : Afghan refugees and migrants in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Dayana Golzborok
    Breifing Paper, Vol. -, 2006
  39. "The fertility decline in the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1972 - 2000, Asian Population Studies"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Peter Mcdonald
    Asian Population Studies, Vol. 2, No 3, 2006
  40. "Nadeya Sayed Mohammad, Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States : The case of Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    JOURNAL OF POPULATION RESEARCH, Vol. 22, No 2, pp.201-202, 2005
  41. "Trends and emerging issues of health and mortality in the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Majid Koosheshi, Mohsen Naghavi , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Meymanat Hosseyni Chavoshi
    Emerging Issues of Health and Mortality in the Asian and Pacific Region, Vol. -, No 163, pp.147-160, 2005
  42. "Unintended pregnancies in the Islamic Republic of Iran : Levels and Correlates"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Asia-Pacific Population Journal, Vol. 19, No 1, pp.27-38, 2004
  43. "Changes in family, fertility behavior and attitudes in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاوشی , پیتر مکدونالد
    Working papers in Demography, Vol. -, 2003
  44. "Revolution, war and modernization : Population policy and fertility change in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Amir Mehryar , Gavin Jones , Peter Mcdonald
    JOURNAL OF POPULATION RESEARCH, Vol. 19, No 1, pp.25-46, 2002
  45. "A comparison of fertility patterns of European immigrants in Australia with those in the countries of origin"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Peter Mcdonald
    Genus, Vol. -, No 1, pp.53-76, 2002
  46. "The fertility revolution in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Population and Societe, Vol. -, No 373, 2001
  47. "Socio - economic and demographic setting of Muslim populations"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Gavin W Jones
    Muslim populations, Vol. -, No 86, pp.1-39, 2001
  48. "Fertility and Multiculturalism : Immigrant fertility in Australia : 1977 - 1991"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Peter Mcdonald
    INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW, Vol. 34, No 1, pp.215-242, 2000
  49. "Recent changes and the future of fertility in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Completing the fertility tility transition, Vol. -, No 1, pp.425-439, 2000
  50. "An assessment of the own - children method of estimating fertility by birthplace in Australia"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Journal of the Australian Population Association, Vol. 14, No 2, pp.167-185, 1997
  51. "Consciousness, Rationality and Attitude Structure in Fertility Regimes: A Cognitive Approach to Childbearing"
    Hossein Mahmoudian, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Hamidreza Hajihashemi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 17, No 34, pp.39-72, 2023
  52. "The impact of population dynamics on environmental hazards and issues: A scoping review"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, حبیب الله صادقی
    Enviromental Hazards Management, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.325-339, 2023
  53. "At the Crossroad of Decision to Have Children: An Analysis of Individual and Social Childbearing Challenges in the Context of Low Fertility in Isfahan"
    فریده شمس قهفرخی, عباس عسکری ندوشن , حسن عینی زیناب, علی روحانی, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Journal of Applied Sociology, Vol. 33, No 4, 2022
  54. "Simulation of Women’s Fertility Behavior in Tehran Province Using Agent-Based Modeling Approach"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Nasibeh Esmaeli
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 17, No 33, 2022
  55. "The Effect of Demographic Trends on Food and Water Security in Iran"
    Zahra Soltani, Ali Bagheri, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Iran-Water Resources Research, Vol. 18, No 2, pp.122-145, 2022
  56. "Analysis of how the livelihood security of rural households is affected by crop area and cultivation patterns, to reduce water and livelihood risks in Iran"
    زهرا سلطانی, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Enviromental Hazards Management, Vol. 9, No 2, 2022
  57. "Prevalence of Infertility by Clinical, Epidemiological, Demographic Definitions and its Determinants in Tehran, Iran"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Gorgan medical journal, Vol. 24, No 1, pp.60-67, 2022
  58. "Challenges of New Pronatalist Population Policies and Programs in Iran: A Qualitative Study in the City of Isfahan"
    فریده شمس قهفرخی, عباس عسگری ندوشن, حسن عینی زیناب, علی روحانی, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 16, No 32, 2022
  59. "The effects of gender role attitudes and role division on the second birth interval in Tehran"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Journal of Applied Sociology, Vol. 32, No 2, pp.1-28, 2021
  60. "More responsibilities at the older ages: the study of trends and patterns of elderly living arrangements in Iran"
    milad bagi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Social Development and Welfare PlanningSocial Development and Welfare Planning, Vol. 13, No 47, pp.135-166, 2021
  61. "Introduction of Agent-Based Modeling in Explaining Low Fertility"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Nasibeh Esmaeli
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.257-292, 2021
  62. "The Relationship between Religiosity and Family Values with Fertility Desires and Intention among Married Women in Tehran"
    Zeinab Kaveh Firooz, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, سید حسین سراج زاده, نگار رمضی
    Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in iran, Vol. 10, No 2, pp.587-623, 2021
  63. "The evolutionary path of demography from the beginning to the emergence of agent-based modeling"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Nasibeh Esmaeli
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 15, No 30, pp.7-40, 2021
  64. "Media, culture and fertility"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Nasibeh Esmaeli
    Quarterly of Strategic Studies of Culture, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.17-46, 2021
  65. "Investigating the causes of differences in the use of contraceptive methods in different ethnic groups"
    زهره عباسی, Zohreh Keshavarz, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, عباس عبادی, Habib Allah Esmaily, محبوبه قربانی
    Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertity, Vol. 24, No 1, pp.44-54, 2021
  66. "Determinants of household decline in Iran over the last four decades"
    milad bagi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.3-36, 2020
  67. "The effect of demographic variables on the estimation of agricultural water consumption in Iran"
    [] [], Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Ali Baqeri, Majid Koosheshi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 14, No 28, 2020
  68. "Factors affecting the distance between marriage and the birth of the first child in Tehran"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 5, No 2, 2020
  69. "Phenomenology of birth"
    Bi Bi Hejyeh Razeghi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاوشی
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 6, No 3, 2014
  70. "economic insecurity and fertility"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Saeed Khani
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 13, No 1, 2014
  71. "Demographic factors on consagenus marriage"
    Mansoreh Rezayatmand, Hossein Shahbazi, Gholamreza Sharifirad, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Sadegh Velianbrojeni
    Health system research, Vol. 9, No 9, pp.960-968, 2013
  72. "Impacts of demographic characteristics on consanguineous marriage among the referrals to Isfahan medical genetic center in 2009"
    Mansoureh Rezaytmand, Hossein Shahnazi, Golam Reza Sharifirad, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Sadegh Velianbrojeni
    Health system research, Vol. 9, No 9, pp.968-960, 2013
  73. "An Assessment on the Impact of Women’s Autonomy, Education and Social Participation on Childbearing Intention in Sirjan City"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Zohreh Khajesalehi
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.45-64, 2013
  74. "Population Policy in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاووشی
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 7, No 13, pp.117-95, 2013
  75. "Trends of Caesarean Section in Iran over the last three decades and its Demographic Factors"
    لیلا امیری فرهانی , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.127-134, 2012
  76. "Womens Strategic Studies"
    Bi Bi Hejyeh Razeghi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Mahmoud Ghazi Tabatabaei
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 14, No 55, pp.55-94, 2012
  77. "Family planning, fertility, and evolution of population policies in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاوشی
    Islamic University, Vol. -, No 48, pp.25-8, 2011
  78. "Proximate Determinants of Ethnic Fertility, Application of Bongaarts Decomposition Method"
    حاتم حسینی , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Iranian Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.48-23, 2011
  79. "الگوها و عوامل موثر بر فاصله ازدواج تا اولین تولد در ایران"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, حجیه بی بی رازقی نصرآباد
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 5, No 9, pp.75-107, 2010
  80. "بررسی ابعاد استقلال زنان بر رفتار باروری"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, ملیحه علی مندگاری
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.31-51, 2010
  81. "تفاوت های بومی - مهاجر ازدواج در ایران : مطالعه مقایسه ای رفتارهای ازدواج مهاجران افغان با ایرانی ها"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, رسول صادقی
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 4, No 8, pp.7-37, 2009
  82. "Mothers, Daughters and Marriage: Intergenerational Differences in Attitudes toward Marriage in the City of Yazd"
    عباس عسکری ندوشن , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 1, No 44, pp.7-36, 2009
  83. "Marriage patterns, ethnicity and religion: Case study of married women in Qorveh district"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, سعید خانی
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 4, No 7, pp.35-66, 2009
  84. "قومیت و باروری آزمون فرضیه های رقیب برای تبیین تفاوتهای قومی باروری در شهرستان ارومیه"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, حاتم حسینی
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.5-41, 2007
  85. "تفاوت های قومی باروری در ایران روندها و عوامل موثر بر آن"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, حاتم حسینی
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.3-36, 2007
  86. "تفاوت های بین نسلی ازدواج خویشاوندی در ایران"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Fatemeh Torabi
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 7, No 4, pp.146-119, 2007
  87. "Ethnicity and Fertility: An Analysis of Fertility Behavior of Ethnic Groups in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi
    Journal of Social Science, Vol. 1, No 29, pp.58-29, 2007
  88. "قومیت و باروری : تحلیل رفتار باروری گروههای قومی در ایران"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, رسول صادقی
    Sociology Journal of Art and Literature, Vol. 29, No 29, pp.29-58, 2006
  89. "ناباروری و تجربه زیسته زنان نابارور"
    Asghar Asgari Khanegha, حجیه بی‌بی رازقی نصرآباد , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.91-113, 2006
  90. "دیدگاه زنان نابارور در مورد اهداء گامت: یک مطالعه موردی درتهران"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, حجیه بی بی رازقی نصرآباد , زهره بهجتی اردکانی , محمدمهدی آخوندی
    Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.139-148, 2006
  91. "سطح روند و الگوی ازدواج خویشاوندی در ایران"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. -, No 2, pp.61-88, 2006
  92. "تغییرات خانواده و کاهش باروری در ایران: مطالعه موردی در استان یزد"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, عباس عسکری ندوشن
    Sociology Journal of Art and Literature, Vol. -, No 25, pp.25-76, 2005
  93. "علل انتخاب روش منقطع پیشگیری از بارداری در بین زنان سنین باروری در شهرستان رشت"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, آتیه خادم زاده
    Journal of Archaeological Research and Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 5, No 4, pp.323-337, 2004
  94. "تحلیل پایان نامه های جمعیت شناسی در ایران: مسائل گذشته و نیازهای آینده"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, زینب کاوه فیروز
    Population Journal, Vol. -, 2004
  95. "حاملگی های ناخواسته و عوامل موثر بر آن در ایران"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاوشی , بهرام دلاور
    Journal of Archaeological Research and Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 5, No 1, pp.62-76, 2004
  96. "تحلیلی بر پایان نامه های جمعیت شناسی : مسائل گذشته و نیازهای آینده"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, زینب کاوه فیروز
    Population Journal, Vol. -, pp.1-24, 2003
  97. "تاثیر سیاستهای کنترل جمعیت و تاثیر آن بر تحولات باروری در ایران"
    زینب کاوه فیروز , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    تحولات اخیر و آینده جمعیت در ایران, 2002
  98. "همگرائی رفتارهای باروری در ایران : میزانکروند و الگوی سنی باروری در استانهای کشور 35 تا 35"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Sociology Journal of Art and Literature, Vol. -, No 18, pp.201-231, 2001
  99. "ارزیابی روش فرزندان خودبرای برآورد باروری در ایران با استفاده از داده های سر شماری 1365و1375"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Sociology Journal of Art and Literature, Vol. -, No 16, pp.105-136, 2000
  100. "فواید و اشکالات روش فرزندان خود در برآورد باروی با استفاده از داده های سر شماری"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Population Journal, Vol. -, pp.1-21, 1999
  101. "بررسی دیدگاههای زنان در مورد رفتارهای باروری در استان یزد"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, زینب کاوه فیروز , میمنت حسینی چاوشی , پیتر مکدونالد
    Sociology Journal of Art and Literature, Vol. 20, No 19, pp.37-68, 1732

Conference Paper

  1. "The Uses of ProFamy Model for Household Projection in Iran"
    milad bagi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    The 2nd International Conference and Training Workshop on Household and Living Arrangement Projections for Informed Decision-Making, 2022
  2. "Refugee and Forced Migration in Asia: Implications for Research and Training"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Ellen Percy Kraly
    The 5th Asian Population Association Conference, 2021
  3. "Priorities in research and information generation on international migration: perspectives for a global survey on migration"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Yu. Zhu, Frank Laczko
    The 5th Asian Population Association Conference, 2021
  4. "A demographic perspective on the role of environmental and climate change on forced migration and population displacement"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Ellen Percy Kraly
    Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) Cyberseminars, 2021
  5. "Priorities in research on international migration and mobilities: Implications of the COVID pandemic and its legacies"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    International Migration Panel activities, 2020
  6. "Demographic transition and new pronatalist policies in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Sociological Associations Forum, 2020
  7. "Are we facing a dramatic increase in infertility and involuntary childlessness that lead to lower family?"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Maryam Moeeni
    XXVIII IUSSP International Population Conference, 2017
  8. "Parity Progression in Iran: the Effects of Education"
    Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi, Peter Mcdonald, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    XXVIII IUSSP International Population Conference, 2017
  9. "fertility regulation in iran: an analysis of reproductive life history and synthetic parity progression pations"
    میمنت حسینی چاووشی , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Peter McDonald
    Demographic change and policy implications, 2016
  10. "Fertility Management: Lesson from other Continents"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    10th WDA Forum, 2016
  11. "Demographic Perspective of the Iranian Diaspora: the Case of Iranians in Australia"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاوشی
    The First International conference On Migration: Patterns, Consequences and Policies, 2015
  12. "Refugee and Forced Migration in Asia"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    3rd APA CONFERENCE, 2015
  13. "Forced and Refugee Migration in Asia"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Research Workshop on Interrogating Forced Migration, 2015
  14. "Adaptation of Second_Generation of Refugees into host societies: The case of Afghan refugees in Iran and Australia"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi, Graeme Hugo
    XV IASFM Conference Demograhpy of Refugee and Forced Migration, 2014
  15. "Demography of Refugee and Forced Migration: Throries, Methodologies, and Conributions"
    Graeme Hugo, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Susan Mcgrath, Jeff Crisp
    XV IASFM Conference Demograhpy of Refugee and Forced Migration, 2014
  16. "Different Pathways to low Fertility in ASIA: Consequences and Policy Implications"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Bhakta Gubhaju
    United Nations Expert Group Meeting of Fertility, Changing Population Trends and Development: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future, 2013
  17. "The own-children estimates of fertility applied to the 2011 Iran census and the 2010 Iran-MIDHs: An evaluation"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاووشی , فربیاسادات بنی هاشمی, Ardeshir Khosravi
    XXVll Iussp International population conference, 2013
  18. "Family development and the spouses' role behaviour in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, 2013
  19. "Abortion in Islamic societies: a comparison of Iran and Indonesia"
    Terence H Hull, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاووشی , Ninuk Widyantoro
    XXVll Iussp International population conference, 2013
  20. "Tempo and quantum of fertility in Iran: An Application of the synthetic parity progression pation method"
    میمنت حسینی چاووشی , Peter McDonald , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, آرش رشیدیان
    XXVll Iussp International population conference, 2013
  21. "Level, Trend and pattern of childlesseness in Iran"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, میمنت حسینی چاووشی , محمدرضا کارگر شورکی
    XXVll Iussp International population conference, 2013
  22. "Adaptation and Return Strategies of the Second-generation Afghan Refugee in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi, Graeme Hugo, Peter Mcdonald
    27th IUSSP International Population Conference, 2013
  23. "The Adaptation of Second-generation Afghan Refugees and Immigrants in Iran: Patterns and its Socio-demographic Correlates"
    Rasoul Sadeghi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    2nd Asian Population Conference, 2012
  24. "Different Orientations of Adaptation of Males and Females: A Study among Second-generation Afghans in Iran"
    Rasoul Sadeghi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, نسیبه زنجری
    European Population Conference, 2012
  25. "Forced Migration and Family Dynamics"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi, Hossein Mahmoudian
    International Seminar on Demographic Perspectives on Refugee and Forced Migration, 2012
  26. "Family Life and Developmental Idealism in Yazd Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, عباس عسکری ندوشن
    2012 Annual meeting of PAI, 2012
  27. "Migration and Fertility: A Comparison of Fertility of Native and Migrant Women in Iran"
    Rasoul Sadeghi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    1th Asian Population APA Conference, 2010
  28. "The Socio-economic Cultural and Demographic Correlates of Fertility Decline in Iran."
    F Torabi, A Baschiri, L Clark, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    The First Asian Population Association Conference, 2010
  29. "Demographic Evolution of Islamic Countries _ an Overview"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    WDA Forum Expert Symposium, 2010
  30. "New Data and Insights From the Developmental Idealism Framework"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Globalization of Modernization Theory: Clash of Mordenites and Moralities Symposium, 2010
  31. "Marriage and family formation among the second-generation Afghans in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Diana Glozebrook, Gholamreza Jamshidiha, Hossein Mahmoudian, Rasoul Sadeghi
    26th IUSSP International Population Conference, 2009
  32. "An unbalanced and challenged pace of integration the experiences of second-generation Afghans in Iran"
    Hossein Mahmoudian, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Gholamreza Jamshidiha, Diana Glozebrook, Rasoul Sadeghi
    Migration and Migrants in Europe, 2008
  33. "Low fertility challenges in Iran: Contexts, obstacles and policies"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad
    The Eight Conference of Iran Social Science Day, 2021
  34. "A Study of the Demographic Developments of Divorce in Iranian Society in the Last Three Decades"
    فاطمه تنها, Rasoul Sadeghi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Biennial Conference on Social and Cultural Research in Iranian Society, 2021
  35. "Division of domestic work and its determinants in Tehran"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi
    The fifth biennial conference on social and cultural research in Iranian society, 2021
  36. "The trend of fertility"
    میمنت حسینی چاووشی , Peter McDonald , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, آرش رشیدیان
    Seventh National Conference on Population Association of Iran, 2014
  37. "kyj"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Rasoul Sadeghi
    ghth, 2013
  38. "tdryu"
    حجیه بی بی رازقی نصراباد, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    kgyg, 2012
  39. "Changes in age structure and marriage patterns in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, عباس عسکری ندوشن, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Sixth Conference of Population Association of Iran, 2012
  40. "oop"
    عباس عسکری ندوشن, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    jk, 2012