Fatemeh Torabi


Update: 2025-03-06

Fatemeh Torabi

Faculty of Social Sciences / DEMOGRAPHY

Journal Paper

  1. "The Prevalence and Intensity of Time Poverty in Urban Areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Kazem Saravani, Fatemeh sadat Khodaparast, Hossein Kheradmand sadi
    SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH, Vol. 176, No 1, 2025
  2. "Reframing policy responses to population aging in Iran"
    Stuart Gietel-Basten, Guillaume marois, Fatemeh Torabi, Kambiz Kabiri
    Genus, Vol. 80, No 1, 2024
  3. "Determinants of early marriage in Iran: a multivariate survivorship analysis using census microdata"
    Fatemeh Torabi, milad bagi
    International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, Vol. 29, No 1, 2024
  4. "Macro-level correlates of early marriage in Asia"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES, pp.1-25, 2023
  5. "Life-course Variations in Spouses’ Division of Roles in Urban Areas of the Islamic Republic of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES, Vol. 57, No 5, pp.982-996, 2022
  6. "Application of neural-wavelet network in predicting the incidence of marriage and divorce in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Nasibeh Esmaeli
    China Population and development studies, Vol. 4, No 4, pp.439-457, 2021
  7. "Education and time investment in domestic and parental activities in urban areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    JOURNAL OF POPULATION RESEARCH, Vol. 38, No 1, pp.25-51, 2020
  8. "Spouses’ division of household labour in urban areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Asian Population Studies, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.248-263, 2020
  9. "Accountability strategies for sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in humanitarian settings: a scoping review"
    Marta Schaaf, Victoria Boydell, Mallory C. Sheff, Christina Kay, Fatemeh Torabi, Rajat Khosla
    Conflict and Health, Vol. 14, No 18, pp.1-18, 2020
  10. "Predictors of time to relapse in amphetamine-type substance users in the matrix treatment program in Iran: a Cox proportional hazard model application"
    Maryam Moeeni , Emran M. Razaghi, Koen Ponnet, Fatemeh Torabi, Seyed Ali Shafiee, Tahereh Pashaei
    BMC Psychiatry, Vol. 16, No 1, pp.229-250, 2016
  11. "Women’s education, time use and marriage in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Asian Population Studies, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-23, 2016
  12. "Trends in and patterns of solo living in Iran: an exploratory analysis"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, عباس عسکری ندوشن
    JOURNAL OF POPULATION RESEARCH, Vol. 32, pp.243-261, 2015
  13. "Women's Human Capital and Economic Growth in the Middle East and North Africa"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.237-261, 2015
    حاتم حسینی, Fatemeh Torabi
    JOURNAL OF BIOSOCIAL SCIENCE, Vol. -, pp.1-14, 2014
  15. "Marriage Postponement in Iran : Accounting for Socio - economic and cultural Change in Timen and Space"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Angela Baschieri , Lynda Clarke , Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Population Space and Place, Vol. -, 2012
  16. "A comparative study of household vulnerability: A scoping review of the areas and measurement methods"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Kazem Saravani, حبیب الله صادقی, صدیقه جهانبازیان
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 24, No 94, pp.49-100, 2024
  17. "Governance Quality and Fertility Transition: A Cross-national Study Using World Bank Data"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Reza Teimouri Arshad
    journal of Social Continuity & change, Vol. 3, No 1, 2024
  18. "Ethnicity and mate selection in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Zahra Abedini
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 19, No 37, 2024
  19. "The Effect of Parenthood on the Length of Matrimonial Unions in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, سمانه رنجبری بیوردی
    Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in iran, Vol. 12, No 4, 2024
  20. "Social well-being of women who care for elderly parents in Ilam"
    مسعود الماسی , Majid Koosheshi, Fatemeh Torabi, Hossein Mahmoudian
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 26, No 102, 2024
  21. "Japan's demographic policies in the face of population aging: Lessons for Iran"
    Nahid Pourrostami, رقیه رهبری فرد, موژان لرکلانتری, Fatemeh Torabi
    strategy socio-cultural, Vol. 12, No 4, 2024
  22. "Prevalence of Multiple Roles among Middle-Aged Women and Men Residing in the Urban Areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Kazem Saravani
    Journal of Applied Sociology, Vol. 34, No 3, pp.109-132, 2023
  23. "Population Policy in Iran (Scoping Review)"
    بهرام صمدنیا, حسن دانایی فرد, Fatemeh Torabi, سید حسین کاظمی, Rasoul Sadeghi
    Iranian Journal Of Social Problems, Vol. 14, No 1, pp.89-111, 2023
  24. "Spatial pattern of the formation of female-headed households in Iran: The role of driving and pressure mechanisms"
    حبیب الله صادقی, Fatemeh Torabi
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.275-304, 2023
  25. "Informal Support and Childbearing Desire in the Low Fertility: A Study of Nowshahr and Chalous Cities"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Fatemeh Torabi, Rasoul Sadeghi, Arefe Javadinia
    Social Development and Welfare PlanningSocial Development and Welfare Planning, Vol. 15, No 54, 2023
  26. "Socio-Demographic Correlates of Unpaid Care in urban areas of Iran: Evidences from 2019-2020 Time Use Survey"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Kazem Saravani
    Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in iran, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.105-127, 2023
  27. "Examining stillbirth at the intersection of contextual inequalities in Iran"
    حنانه سادات صادقی, Fatemeh Torabi, حسن عینی زیناب, Mahmoud Ghazi Tabatabaei, محمد حیدرزاده
    Iranian Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 16, No 4, pp.77-106, 2023
  28. "Care Pressure Arising from Caring for Elderly Parents among Single Girls in Ilam"
    Masoud Almasi, Majid Koosheshi, Hossein Mahmoudian, Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Ilam Medical Sciences University, Vol. 30, No 6, 2023
  29. "Examining and comparing the trend of aging in Asian, American and European countries using event history analysis"
    Fatemeh Torabi, قربان حسینی, Nooroddin Farash
    Population Journal, Vol. 29, 2023
  30. "Vulnerability of female heads of household and its policy implications in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, حنانه سادات صادقی, سمانه رنجبری بیوردی
    Iranian Journal Of Social Problems, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.313-338, 2022
  31. "Economic and Demographic Determinants of Sustainability of the Environmental Performance Index: Case Study of Middle East and North Africa"
    Fatemeh Torabi, حبیب الله صادقی
    Environmental Researches, Vol. 13, No 25, 2022
  32. "Factors affecting marriga delay in Iran and around the world"
    Fatemeh Torabi, زهرا شمس قهفرخی
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 15, No 32, pp.141-175, 2022
  33. "Population Policy Change in Iran: Application of Advocacy Coalition Framework"
    حسن دانایی فرد, بهرام صمدنیا, Fatemeh Torabi, سید حسین کاظمی, Rasoul Sadeghi, Hossein Morovati
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.317-347, 2022
  34. "Determinants of Consanguineous Marriage in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Zahra Abedini
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.1-35, 2022
  35. "Marriage postponement in Iran: District-level analysis of youth singlehood patterns"
    عادله امامی, عباس عسکری ندوشن , Mohammad Torkashvand, Fatemeh Torabi
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.35-65, 2022
  36. "Examining Factors Affecting Transition of Asian and African Countries from Young Age Structure During the Years 1990-2020"
    Fatemeh Torabi, صدیقه جهانبازیان
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 7, No 2, 2022
  37. "Changes in ideal age at marriage in Iran and its determinants between 2004 and 2015"
    زهرا قربانی, Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 16, No 31, pp.33-59, 2022
  38. "Relative importance of age structure changes in changes in unemployment rates"
    Fatemeh Torabi, مرجان رشوند
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 15, No 30, 2021
  39. "An examination and comparison of the trend of fertility decline in Asian countries using event history analysis"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Nooredin Farash
    Womens Strategic Studies, Vol. 23, No 90, pp.7-37, 2021
  40. "Gender, Time Use and Family Roles: The Importance of Relative Resources and Time Availability"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Poulation Studies, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.37-65, 2020
  41. "Spouses’ household labor and education in urban areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in iran, Vol. 9, No 2, pp.263-288, 2020
  42. "Relation between Social Mobility and Fertility in Iran; Using Censuses and Household Income and Expenditure Surveys Data"
    علی اکبر محزون, Hossein Mahmoudian, Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 4, No 27, 2020
  43. "Parental Time Investment in Children’s Education in Urban Areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 14, No 27, pp.7-29, 2020
  44. "A study of effective factors in tendency to fewer childbearing of 15-49 year-old women residents of Tehran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Reza Sheidani
    Woman and family studies, Vol. 7, No 2, 2019
  45. "Determinants of Household Size in Townships of Iran in 2011"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Mirzai, محمد حدادی
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 13, No 25, 2018
  46. "Analysis and Comparison of Aging Population in Europe and Asia during 1950 to 2015"
    سعدالله دارابی, Fatemeh Torabi
    Salmand-Iranian Journal of Ageing, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.30-43, 2017
  47. "Marriage market and the trends of age homogamy in Iran"
    عباس عسکری ندوشن , Fatemeh Torabi
    Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies and Communication, Vol. 12, pp.85-102, 2017
  48. "Risky society and the mean age at marriage of women and men in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Sajad Mesgarzadeh
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 14, No 4, pp.493-512, 2017
  49. "Continuity and Change in Consanguineous Marriage and Arranged Marriage in the Province of Kohgiluyer-and-Boyerahmad"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Farzad Qorbani, Mohammad Reza Boroumandzadeh
    Journal of Social Sciences -Islamic Azad University, Shushtar Branch, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.153-174, 2016
  50. "The Attitude of Some Women about the Appropriate timing of the Age of Mother at the Time of First Birth in Iran"
    Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Fatemeh Torabi
    Woman and family studies, Vol. 2, No 2, pp.119-146, 2015
  51. "Sex differences in determinants of age at marriage: in individuals in the verge of marriage in the city of Kermanshah"
    Hossein Mahmoudian, Fatemeh Torabi, Serajeldin Mahmoudian Gilan
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 8, No 15, pp.5-23, 2015
  52. "Dynamics of the population age structure and changes in marriage in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, عباس عسکری ندوشن
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 7, No 13, pp.5-23, 2014
  53. "Unobserved heterogeneity in event history analysis"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 5, No 10, pp.6-32, 2013
  54. "Level, trends and pattern of educational homogamy in Iran"
    عباس عسکری ندوشن , Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. 5, No 9, pp.29-55, 2012
  55. "تاملی بر پایان نامه تخیر ازدواج و کاهش باروری در ایران"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    کتاب ماه دین, Vol. 15, 2011
  56. "درآمدی بر اندیشه ها و نظریه های جمعیت شناسی"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    کتاب ماه دین, Vol. -, pp.30-28, 2011
  57. "سطح روند و الگوی ازدواج خویشاوندی در ایران"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Fatemeh Torabi
    Journal of Population Association, Vol. -, No 2, pp.61-88, 2006

Conference Paper

  1. "The Prevalence and Intensity of Time Poverty in Urban Areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Kazem Saravani, Fatemeh Sadat Khodaparast, Hossein Kheradmand sadi
    The 6th Asian Population Association Conference, 2024
  2. "Temporal Changes in Retreat from Marriage in Asia."
    Fatemeh Torabi
    The 6th Asian Population Association Conference, 2024
  3. "Living arrangements and healthy aging: A comparative study among Asian Regions"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Changing household structure, aging, and well-being in Western and Southern Asia, 2024
  4. "Spatial distribution and multilevel determinants of stillbirth in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, حسن عینی زیناب, Hananeh Sadat Sadeghi
    11th International Conference on Population Geopgraphies, 2022
  5. "Combining paid work and family, community and individual life among urban women: Results from three Iranian Time Use surveys"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Population Association of America 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022
  6. "The timing and determinants of retreat from marriage in Asia, 1970-2020"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Population Association of America 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022
  7. "Low fertility in Iran: An agent-based modelling approach"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Nasibeh Esmaeli, Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Fatemeh Torabi
    IUSSP ICP2021, 2021
  8. "Temporal changes in male and female ideal age at marriage in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, زهرا قربانی
    The 5th Asian Population Association Conference, 2021
  9. "Life Course Variations in Spouses' Division of Roles in Urban Areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Population Association of America 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021
  10. "Macro-level determinants of early marriage in Asia"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Emerging correlates of marriage in Asia, 2020
  11. "Adolescent fertility and early parenthood in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, عباس عسکری ندوشن
    European Population Conference 2014, 2014
  12. "Analysis of economic determinants of fertility in Iran: A Multilevel Approach"
    مریم معینی, Aboulghasem Pourreza, Fatemeh Torabi
    European Population Conference 2014, 2014
  13. "Trends and Patterns of Singl-person Households in Asia: An Exploratory Analysis"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Abbas Askari Nodoushan
    Living Alone: One-Person Households in Asia, 2013
  14. "Demand for long-acting and permanent contraceptive methods among Kurdish women in Mahabad, Iran"
    حاتم حسینی, Fatemeh Torabi, Balal Bagi
    XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, 2013
  15. "Family development and the spouses' role behaviour in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, 2013
  16. "Female Education and Opportunity Costs of Marriage and Childbearing in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    The Second Asian Population Association Conference, 2012
  17. "Demography of vulnerable groups and social responsibility"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Social responsibility of science and the role of scientific associations, 2024
  18. "Parental Time Investment in Children's Education in Urban Areas of Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Population Dynamics and Human Capital in Iran, 2019
  19. "Marriage Market and the Trend in Age Homogamy in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, عباس عسکری ندوشن
    1st National Conference on Family Changes and its Challenges in Iran, 2016
  20. "Looking at the existing diversity in female-headed households in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Capacity building in governmental and non-governmental organization for empowering female heads of household, 2015
  21. "Continuity and change in attitudes towards marriage and family: An analysis of data from four surveys in the city of Yazd"
    عباس عسکری ندوشن, Fatemeh Torabi, Marjan Sabaghchi
    Population Changes in Iran; Opportunities and Threats, 2015
  22. "Risky society and its association with male and female mean age at first marriage in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Sajad Mesgarzadeh
    Population Changes in Iran; Opportunities and Threats, 2015
  23. "Iranain Family in the course of adaptation or facing crisis?"
    Fatemeh Torabi, عباس عسکری ندوشن
    Population Changes in Iran; Opportunities and Threats, 2015
  24. "One-person households in Iran: Distribution, characteristics and determinants"
    Fatemeh Torabi, عباس عسکری ندوشن, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Demographic dimensions of family changes in Iran, 2014
  25. "The role of economic factors and barganing power in family in demand for second child in Iran"
    Aboulghasem Pourreza, مریم معینی, Fatemeh Torabi
    Demographic dimensions of family changes in Iran, 2014
  26. "Examination of early marriage of women and its determinants in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, Elham Tavakoli
    Demographic Dimensions of Family Changes in Iran, 2014
  27. "The timing of first birth in Iran"
    Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi, Hajiieh Bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Fatemeh Torabi
    Demographic Dimensions of Family Changes in Iran, 2014
  28. "Examination of marriage squeeze in Iran"
    Masud Kuchani Esfahani, Fatemeh Torabi, Mohammad Shekofte Gohari
    Demographic Dimensions of Family Changes in Iran, 2014
  29. "Marriage postponement in Iran, contributors and challenges"
    Fatemeh Torabi
    Population, growth and strategies, 2013
  30. "Changes in age structure and marriage patterns in Iran"
    Fatemeh Torabi, عباس عسکری ندوشن, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi
    Sixth Conference of Population Association of Iran, 2012