EHESS Seminary: 2021-2022

Society, culture and religions between past and present

M. Arabestani, G. Chambon, C. Gauthier, S. Parsapajouh, F. Speziale

Venu : 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris - Salle AS1-23, 13:00-15:00
Online :

This monthly hybrid seminar aims to take stock of the latest Iranian, French and Hungarian research in various social sciences, adopting a transversal and interdisciplinary perspective around thematic sessions. It aims to strengthen discussions between scholars and students and initiate joint research and educational collaboration, notably preparing the conceptualization of joint transdisciplinary research projects associating Ph.D. students to reinforce the professionalization part of their educational program


January 3: Human, Nature and Environment 
Minoo Salimi :(Ph.D. student - University of Tehran)
Study of Rural a Community resilience against earthquake (Case study: Kuaick rural Complex in Sarpol-e Zahab)

Orsolya Barna : (Ph.D. student – Eötvös Loránd University/Budapest)
Hiking with Stray Dogs Around Istanbul. The Story of Six Dogs

Discussant: Nasser Fakouhi (Tehran University)

February 7: Future and Social Hope
Arash Rezapour :(Ph.D. student - University of Tehran)

Precarity and loss of meaning: dramatization and ritualization in Organizational culture

Kata Szabo :(Ph.D. student - Eötvös Loránd University/Budapest)

The Future Prospects of the Millennials

Discussant: Mehrdad Arabestani (Tehran University)

March 7: Religion and Religious Practice
Louise de Courcel :(Ph.D. student - EHESS)
Ordinary sainthood amongst contemporary Belgian Carmelites

Adem Yilmaz :(Ph.D. student – EHESS/Paris)
Les chantres religieux en Iran. Une réflexion sur leurs rôles socio-politiques à travers le temps ((Religious Chanters in Iran. A reflection on their socio-political roles through time) 

Discussant: Jabbar Rahmani (Institute of Cultural and Soical Studies)

April 4: Civil Society Agency
Diana Dunai :(Ph.D. student - Eötvös Loránd University/Budapest)
Narratives of a food saving Movement

Mehdi Elouati :(Ph.D. student - EHESS)
Cultural heritage, tourism and local actors in Djerba : From 1960 to today

Discussant: Miklos Szabo (Eötvös Loránd University)

May 2: Sufism 
Azim Fazlipour :(Ph.D. student – EPHE/Paris)
Mysticism and Shi'ism. Contexts and orientations

Neda Milani :(Researcher and lecturer - University of Tehran)
Sufism as a social life. A historical sociology of spirituality

Discussion: Mathieu Terrier (CNRS-LEM)

June 6: Miscellaneous
Mahdieh Moghadammi :(Ph.D. student – University of Tehran)
Anthropology of the way in the Middle East
Arshia Keyvanfar :(Ph.D. student - University of Tehran)
Self/other in Anthropology. A Mixed-Method Study of the Relationships among Intelligence, othering and English language Proficiency in Iranian University Students of different ethnicities
