Malihe Sheyani

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-14

Malihe Sheyani

Faculty of Social Sciences / توسعه اجتماعي

Journal Paper

  1. "Construction and Validation of Social Citizenship Index"
    Mirtaher Mousavi, Ayoub Nafei, hasan Rafiey, Malihe Sheyani, محمدعلی محمدی قره قانی, ronak ghafuri
    Health Scope, Vol. 10, No 4, 2021
  2. "The Measurement of Social Capital in Tehran"
    Malihe Sheyani, Mirtaher Mousavi, Hanan Zarematezani
    Iranian Economic Review, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.431-447, 2017
  3. "The Dimensions of Community-based Programs in Kahrizak1 (According to Anderson's Health Behavior Model)"
    Malihe Sheyani, Mirtaher Mousavi, Hanan Zare
    International Journal of Social Sciences(Iranian Sociological Review), Vol. 5, No 2, pp.1-10, 2015
  4. "Life satisfaction in Iran : A national representative study"
    Mirtaher Mousavi , Malihe Sheyani, Mohammad Ali Mohammadi , Homeyra Sadjadi , Farhad Tabatabaee , Shervin Assari
    Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 6, No 8, pp.1839-1844, 2011
  5. "Drug management in Iran : A Periodical schema"
    Saeid Madani , Azadeh Akbari , Mohammad Ali Mohammadi , Amir Hassan Rafiey , Ameneh Setareh Foroozan , Malihe Sheyani
    Addiction Research and Theory, Vol. 19, No 2, pp.112-120, 2011
  6. "Women's challenges in urbanizing rural areas: A case study of Mohammadshahr in Karaj"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hanan Zare
    Journal Of Rural Development, Vol. 15, No 1, 2023
  7. "Women and Development: Iranian women's roles under the Qajar and Pahlavi dynasties"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hanan Zarematezani
    Sociological Review(social science letter), Vol. 29, No 2, 2023
  8. "The relationship between social mistrust and citizenship aversion (among citizen of Tehran)"
    مریم جوادی , Malihe Sheyani, Ali Reza Mohseni Tabrizi, ساسان ودیعه
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 23, No 1, pp.147-170, 2022
  9. "Semiotics of post-revolutionary wall paintings (Case study: Tehran)"
    علی مباشرزادگان, زهرا قاسمی, Malihe Sheyani
    Journal of Social Development (formerly Human Development), Vol. 16, No 3, 2022
  10. "Gender As a Challenge to Social Capital Studies in Iran"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hanan Zare
    Iranian Jornal of Anthropology, Vol. 18, No 33, 2022
  11. "Investigating the Relationship between Social Insecurity Feeling and Civic Responsibility Evasion"
    مریم جوادی , Malihe Sheyani, Ali Reza Mohseni Tabrizi, ساسان ودیعه
    Social Security Studies Quarterly, Vol. 12, No 67, 2021
  12. "The Status of Social Capital of the Iranian people in 2014"
    احمد علی نوربالا, Mirtaher Mousavi, Malihe Sheyani, سقراط فقیه زاده, Hanan Zarematezani, حمیدرضا هندی
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 21, No 82, 2021
  13. "Acknowledging people's participation obstacles in Tehran's urban management: an analyses of qualitative content"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hamid Abtahi
    Journal Of Rural Development, Vol. 12, No 2, 2021
  14. "A Study on the Obstacles of Citizens Social Participation As a Component of Urban Diplomacy"
    Hamid Abtahi, Malihe Sheyani
    Iranian Jornal of Anthropology, Vol. 17, No 30, 2021
  15. "Social Capital in Work Place, Productivity and Socio-Economic Development"
    Malihe Sheyani, محمدعلی محمدی قره قانی, Hanan Zare
    Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in iran, Vol. 9, No 1, 2020
  16. "Modeling a Model for Promoting the Functioning of Virtual Social Networks in Improving the Health Status"
    Seyed Mahdi Sharifi, سهیلا بورقانی فراهانی, Malihe Sheyani, مهدخت شریفی
    Quarterly journal of new media studies, Vol. 5, No 20, 2020
  17. "A meta-analysis of female-headed household studies in Iran"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hanan Zare
    Sociological Review(social science letter), Vol. 26, No 2, pp.67-97, 2020
  18. "The Relationship between Communities and Subjective Well-Being of Children Aged 10 to 12 Years in the Sixth District of Tehran"
    Salime Salehi Shahraki, Malihe Sheyani
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 19, No 73, pp.137-188, 2019
  19. "Analysis of Socioeconomic Factors Affecting on Poverty and Inequalities Health. Social"
    معصومه بااوش, Malihe Sheyani, Maysam Musai
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 17, No 67, pp.71-108, 2019
  20. "The Analysis of Active Citizenship and its Dimensions"
    مهرناز امین آقایی, moh Zah., Malihe Sheyani
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 18, No 3, 2018
  21. "Urban Citizenship: Citizens' Rights and Duties in Tehran"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hanan Zarematezani
    Social Development and Welfare PlanningSocial Development and Welfare Planning, Vol. 9, No 34, 2018
  22. "Analysis of Socio-economic Factors Affecting Poverty and Health Inequalities During the Years 2011-2015"
    معصومه بااوش, Malihe Sheyani, Maysam Musai
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 18, No 67, pp.71-109, 2017
  23. "The Study of Relationship between Social Capital and Social Identity Among Citizens of Rasht"
    Malihe Sheyani, Khosro Ahmadpour
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 17, No 66, pp.255-290, 2017
  24. "Status and Barriers to Implementation of Family Physician Program in Iran Health System"
    Malihe Sheyani, Arash Rashidiyan, Azar Mohammadi
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 16, No 62, pp.59-102, 2017
  25. "Study of Citizenship Culture in Urban Management of Tehran"
    Malihe Sheyani, محمد علی محمدی
    Journal of Iranian Anthropological Research, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.227-250, 2016
  26. "tourism,memorable journey,personality system"
    Malihe Sheyani, Elham Arab Poor
    Contemporary Sociological Research, Vol. 1, No 4, 2016
  27. "Attitude towards Citizenship Normative Pattern Who is a "good citizen"?"
    Malihe Sheyani, Fateme Sedifgi
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 15, No 4, pp.71-110, 2015
  28. "A Study of the Challenges of Family Physician Implementation in Iran Health System"
    Malihe Sheyani, Arash Rashidiyan, Azar Mohammadi
    hakim, Vol. 18, No 4, pp.264-274, 2015
  29. "radio and media"
    Malihe Sheyani, Ebrahim Sepahvand
    Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies and Communication, Vol. 11, No 38, pp.187-224, 2015
  30. "the quality and quantity relationship of TV programs and awareness of citizenship rights"
    Malihe Sheyani, Ebrahim Sepahvand
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 14, No 54, pp.265-298, 2014
  31. "radio and citizenship: the relationship between the content of radio programs and awarness of citizenship rights"
    Malihe Sheyani, Ebrahim Sepahvand
    Quarterly of Social Studies and Research in iran, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.469-503, 2014
  32. "experience"
    Malihe Sheyani, سمیه هاشمی
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 14, No 2, pp.1-22, 2013
  33. "research program"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hanan Zare
    سالمند, Vol. 8, No 29, pp.16-29, 2013
  34. "study of impact community- base planning on quality of life in Aging"
    Malihe Sheyani, Hanan Zare
    Bioethics and Health Law Journal, Vol. 2, No 5, pp.45-65, 2012
  35. "Study of Social factorson citizens participation in urban mangagement"
    Malihe Sheyani, Seyed behrad Razavi ale hashem, Kamel Delpasand
    Journal of Urban Sociological Studies, Vol. 2, No 14, pp.215-240, 2012
  36. "تحلیل وضعیت سرمایه اجتماعی در شهر کرمان"
    Malihe Sheyani, میرطاهر موسوی
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 11, No 41, pp.93-122, 2011
  37. "تحلیلی بر میزان آگاهی از حقوق شهروندی در میان دانشجویان"
    Malihe Sheyani, طاهره دادوندی
    Social Development and Welfare PlanningSocial Development and Welfare Planning, Vol. 2, No 5, pp.59-36, 2011
  38. "عوامل مرتبط با هویت شهروندی در شهر تهران"
    محمدی محمدعلی , Malihe Sheyani, روشن فکر پیام
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 10, No 38, pp.88-65, 2011
  39. "مشارکت در امور شهری و الزامات آن درشهر تهران"
    Maysam Musai, Malihe Sheyani
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. -, No 38, pp.245-268, 2011
  40. "جابجایی جمعیت و اچ آی وی/ایدز: بررسی برخی شواهد موجود در ایران"
    Pooya Alaedini, سعید مدنی قهفرخی , Malihe Sheyani
    Iranian Journal Of Social Problems, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.102-81, 2010
  41. "تحلیلی بر وضعیت شهروندی در شهر تهران : نگاهی بر مدیریت شهری"
    Malihe Sheyani
    Iranian Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.39-53, 2010
  42. "رابطه سرمایه اجتماعی با رفاه اجتماعی"
    محمدجواد زاهدی , Malihe Sheyani, پروین علی پور
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 9, No 32, pp.105-125, 2010
  43. "سرمایه اجتماعی جوانان در ایران"
    Malihe Sheyani, میرطاهر موسوی , سعید مدنی قهفرخی
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 10, pp.57-84, 2009
  44. "میزان آگاهی شهروندان تهرانی از حقوق و تعهدات شهروندی"
    Malihe Sheyani, سیاوش فاطمی نیا
    راهبرد توسعه, Vol. 1, No 18, pp.103-129, 2009
  45. "رابطه سرمایه اجتماعی و سلامت مادران"
    اشکان خواجه دادی , مریم شریفیان ثانی , Malihe Sheyani, مسعود کریملو
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 8, pp.102-83, 2009
  46. "فرهنگ نیازها و انتظارات فرهنگی بازماندگان کارکنان سازمان تمین اجتماعی"
    Malihe Sheyani, محمدعلی محمدی
    Iranian Jornal of Anthropology, Vol. 4, No 8, pp.60-85, 2008
  47. "سنجش عوامل موثر بر عرفی شدن دینداری در میان دانشجویان برخی دانشگاه های شهر تهران"
    Malihe Sheyani, محمدعلی محمدی
    Iranian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.77-91, 2008
  48. "تخمین تقاضای خانواد برای رفتن به سینما در 24 استان ایران"
    Maysam Musai, Malihe Sheyani
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 6, No 25, pp.301-320, 2007
  49. "مسائل و مشکلات جوانان در ایران : تحلیل جامعه شناختی احساس آنومی اقتصادی در میان جوانان"
    Malihe Sheyani, محمد علی محمدی
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. -, No 25, pp.9-38, 2007
  50. "عوامل راهبردی پیشگیری از سو مصرف مواد مخدر برنامه مدرسه محور"
    محمدعلی محمدی , Malihe Sheyani
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 6, No 25, pp.59-83, 2007
  51. "کارپایه مفهومی و مفهوم سازی سرمایه اجتماعی با تکید بر شرایط ایران"
    پرویز پیران , میرطاهر موسوی , Malihe Sheyani
    Social Welfare Quarterly, Vol. 6, No 23, pp.9-44, 2007